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Getting around in Uganda

Getting around in Uganda


A safari to Uganda is fantastic and comes with lots of adventures. Getting in and around Uganda is characterized by many experiences as the whole process involves driving to new destinations that come a long with cattle, cyclists, traffic jam and potholes. While on road trip in Uganda, expect to bump into these at any point especially in the remotest areas where most of the country’s tourist attractions are located and even in major towns. To get out of this situation, you must plan adequately prior making your final journey to a destination of your choice.

While most travelers in Uganda use mainly roads, the state at which these routes also differ based on the season. During the dry spell, marram roads can be dusty and everything around the roadside will be filled by a fine layer of orange brown dust. The wet season comes with mud and requires a perfect 4-wheel drive car to navigate through the remotest roads. Most importantly, you inquire from the car rental company about the current road conditions prior embarking for your trip. And in case you plan to spend your vacation East Africa, never travel during darkness as this puts you at a higher risk of accidents. Make sure that you are keen enough while driving at the protected area otherwise you pay $500 for knocking wild animals and $150 for off track driving.

If you are planning to travel to Uganda, you will need to have a driving license and mostly an international driving permit especially if you are interested in self-Drive’s safaris.

There are various means of transportation in Uganda and the common ones include;


You can use a taxi which comes in form of vans and mostly have a capacity of about 14 people. They can easily be got in Kampala and they are pocket friendly. In Kampala they operate in various routes meaning they can make a stop at any point while picking and dropping off clients.

Each taxi comes with a driver and a conductor and in case you are not familiar with the destinations feel free to inquire from one of them. But be careful as most of them tend to take advantage of new faces in town and they make you pay a higher amount compared to the rest of passengers.

To be on safer side, you will need to have prior knowledge about routes and the amount charged. There are taxis nearly in every part of the country and not only Uganda. However, note that not all the taxis can deliver you to exact destination of your choice given that they have their specific routes.

Boda Boda motor cycles

A trip on a boda boda motorcycle fills travelers with adventure experiences though it can be scary. Boda bodas are found in various parts of Kampala and they can maneuver via the traffic but more costly than the taxis. For interested travelers, you can use safe boda who come with helmets for rider and client as a way of reducing risks of road accidents.

Special hire taxi

These are commonly called cabs in North America. They are costly for one to get around Uganda but can be pocket friendly when you are sharing the bill. If you plan to use a special hire taxi, you can bargain for the price though you may not get the best cost depending on how you will negotiate.



There are also various buses in Kampala that navigate through various routes in Uganda. In Kampala city centre you will find the famous pioneer bus service as well as others that go beyond the city to further areas of Uganda. They have bigger capacity and at times cheaper than using a taxi.

Car rental

This is another perfect means of transportation and there are many car rental companies that you can deal with to get the best and comfortable car for your safaris, whether you plan to go for a self-drive adventure or guided tours. Depending on what your interests are, Car rental in Uganda   can be hired both with a driver or only the car with fuel in it.

Air Travel

If you are interested in domestic flights to local destinations, there are some airlines like Eagle air fly that can arrange for you flights to most of the remotest areas in Uganda where airfields are. You may also use Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and they arrange flights to Ssese Island.

For adventure seekers, there is also biking to help you get in and around Kampala. This is a bit scary especially when you bump into traffic.


In conclusion, there are various ways that you can get in and around Uganda whether you are interested in safaris to national parks, any natural physical features or just city tours. For wildlife safaris you will need safari vehicle with a pop up to help you view wildlife while in your car. For a memorable Uganda, simply contact our reservations team and we shall get for you that perfect car hires that suites within your travel interests.